The place is a stadium in Kismayo, Somalia, the time is last Monday, and all of the men involved are despicable, degenerate, sordid crud. Nothing can excuse stoning a girl of 13. Just nothing.

I do not imagine that this is the girl in question, but this looks similar to how her execution is described in Somali News. Similar articles here, here, and here.
I'm at a loss for words. I want to blame, and I want revenge. I want every one of those excuses for human beings to pay for what they have done. I have total disrespect for Sharia law, and complete and utter contempt for everyone who even for a split second believes that Sharia law should be followed when it results in stoning of a young girl.
Update July 30th, 2010.
This is the post of mine that attracts the most visitors, so perhaps it is time for an update. In Politiken (Danish newspaper), I found this image of a real stoning in Somalia (unlike the image above, which is clearly photoshopped). This story is about the frequency at which stonings take place in Iran. Guess how many (answer below).

About ten people are stoned every year in Iran, in addition to a larger number of people who are hanged.
obviously photoshopped image... so much for truth.
ReplyDeleteOmar, thanks for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteAs I wrote about the picture, this is not supposed to be a record of the actual event, but an illustration of the real event. An event which there is no dispute about - or can you show me the first hint of evidence that someone doubts this happened at all?
Did you read what I wrote, or did you just look at the picture?
Do you disagree that stoning anyone or at least this young girl is disgusting behavior?
Are you a proponent of Sharia law?
a picture of the girl is this Wikipedia article.
DeleteBefore making any judgement, one should first gather enough knowledge on an issue instead of condemning things for what one thinks they are. If you'd know more about sharia law then you should be aware that this story displays grave violations against it rather than pinpointing its 'cruelty'. What sharia law actually states is that FOUR TRUSTWORTHY WITNESSES must be able to testify that sexual intercourse has occurred between an unmarried couple, following which BOTH persons involved are to receive the punishment. It is true that sharia law does involve harsh punishments, but the intention is to discourage and frighten off rather than actually punishing someone. Furthermore, the judge is supposed to avoid the sentence as much as possible, rather than bloodthirstily convicting people to death. Realistically speaking, where will you find 4 trustworthy witnesses who have seen you having sex with a person you're not married to? Another important point is that a girl at age 13 is certainly not of the age of criminal responsibility and, therefore, not to receive any punishment even if she were guilty.
ReplyDeleteI believe that you've been carried away by anger when hearing about this incident, but it's not the sharia law to blame but the lack of knowlegdge about it, which ultimately leads to false interpretations and possibilities of abusing the ignorance of others for own advantage. This includes anti-islamic propaganda in media and politics and as long as you've not witnessed this situation with your own eyes you can't be sure that it actually happened this way.
The solution is education! Educating muslims what their religion actually tells them and educating non-muslims what Islam's true values are.
how about - forget which religion- just educate. Muslims/non muslims. Whatever! sure- religions can have a few useful anecdotes and fables - they are all the same really, and they are all quite new. But essentially they are just collections of stories written by men, some possibly true, some maybe true and some 100% just made up.
DeleteUse the good bits, laugh at the bad, Lighten the fuck up.
Each man, woman and child knows what is right and wrong in their own hearts. If we could all be taught to listen to our hearts and keep an open mind maybe we would all be just fine- it is the teaching of finite and absolutes that fuck these religious types up- teaches them to be arrogant in their own righteousness (stupidity). No one knows fuck all. We are all just babies learning- it is joyful and magical that ANY of this exists. Why is it so hard for the world to enjoy that? How did I end up here? I'm supposed to be working- but I digressed looking at beautiful African girls on google. Anyway- I hope some consciousness can grow. I do believe in the inherent goodness of man- but sometimes I wonder.. How sad and ridiculous it is that people fight, hurt and kill about something which they really do not comprehend. What irony that praise of deity can create these effects. Bollocks.
Sorry, I forgot to add to my response above that this stoning punishment is only for someone who is married and cheats on his/her spouse by VOLUNTARILY having sexual intercourse with someone else, provided that 4 believable witnesses testify (or you admit it). Being a victim of rape certainly does not make you guilty.
ReplyDeleteAs I said, this harsh punishment is to discourage married people from cheating on their spouses as this is not only a breach of trust but can have severe consequences for the stability of the family and society and might have a particularly strong impact on the children. This explains why the punishment for an unmarried couple having sexual intercourse is far less severe.
I am as shocked and angry about this and similar horrendous incidences as you are and I wish that those criminals will be taken to account as soon as possible. This often doesn't happen in this world but it greatly helps me and many victims of injustice that, according to islamic belief, there will be the day of judgement. As God tells us through the koran, on this day even an injustice of the weight of a dust grain will be taken into account and victims in this life will be compensated for in the eternal afterlife, compared to which this world is tiny.
There is a lot of corruption in countries like somalia and I believe that the judge might have been bribed by the rapists or something like that. And what I meant by educating muslims about their religion is that if the people in that town would know more about islam and sharia law then they should have been aware that the sentence was outrageous. Or perhaps they did know, but were too afraid to speak up against these militias...
To non-muslims, please do not judge islam and all muslims by people who claim to be muslim but do not act as a muslim.
Yes, but you know what? Sometimes, the guys lie. And sometimes, the husband is the one cheating on her. Guess what happens to him? NOTHING.
DeleteIt is true that sharia law does involve harsh punishments.Yes, that certainly is true. Very, very, unfairly harsh punishments for ridiculous crimes, such as adultery. That is the main reason why I speak out against it.
ReplyDeletebut it's not the sharia law to blame but the lack of knowlegdge about it, which ultimately leads to false interpretations and possibilities of abusing the ignorance of others for own advantage.Sharia being the word of God could perhaps be expected to be written in a way that does not allow "false interpretations" etc.
This explains why the punishment for an unmarried couple having sexual intercourse is far less severe.But does not explain why there is a punishment for unmarried couples having sex.
it greatly helps me and many victims of injustice that, according to islamic belief, there will be the day of judgement. As God tells us through the koran, on this day even an injustice of the weight of a dust grain will be taken into account and victims in this life will be compensated for in the eternal afterlife, compared to which this world is tiny.Well, that is no comfort at all for people like me who don't believe in an afterlife. I sincerely hope that belief brought the poor girl comfort as the stones rained upon her, though I seriously doubt it.
To non-muslims, please do not judge islam and all muslims by people who claim to be muslim but do not act as a muslim.Realistically, how can you expect the rest of us to tell the difference. With all the horrible acts of muslims in the name of their god, how can we say that this is not Islam? True, it would be a mistake to assume that every muslim you meet is in favor of Sharia and fatwas etc., but it would also be a mistake thinking that Islam itself is not part of the problem.
It’s hard for women to look at something like this and not feel absolute hatred for a governing system or a religion that condones this sort of grotesque practice. Despite what religion you come from, if any. And to be honest it really doesn’t matter that these people called themselves Muslims but did not act like Muslims. Actions change from one minute to another. The importance is in what you were allowed to label yourself. If they called themselves Muslim and nobody stood in their way to stop them, than I cannot find any love in my heart for the religion not only they claim, but the religion that stood by and let this happen.
ReplyDeleteIf they called themselves Muslim and nobody stood in their way to stop them, than I cannot find any love in my heart for the religion not only they claim, but the religion that stood by and let this happen.
ReplyDeleteVery well put. Exactly what I should have said.
I have two views:
ReplyDelete1) Not all muslisms are murders, I do agree
2) However, I do agree that muslims are the only ones that still kill in the name of god..
That´s for me is a clear sign of lack of intelligence and sincerelly if we leave the world to be run by muslims it would be destroyed in 2 or 3 generations...
Sorry for the generalization... but there isn´t any other religion or organized group of people where generalizations work so well...
Must you forget the history of cruelty Christianity????? was it not Jews who killed your Jesus?????
DeleteBullshit and useless.Keep clear of Islam. We stone whoever married and commits adultery. Not like you guys having sex with your moms, sisters and daughters fathering them.
ReplyDeleteBullshit and useless.Keep clear of Islam. We stone whoever married and commits adultery. Not like you guys having sex with your moms, sisters and daughters fathering them.
ReplyDeleteCharming. What do you mean by bullshit and useless? That the story is a lie? That no one should care? I should keep clear of Islam how? By not writing about it? We think stoning anyone is barbaric and cruel whoever is the victim, but apparently "you" stone unmarried children as well, after they're raped. Thankfully not all Muslim countries have Sharia law.
I don't think I need to say this, but "we" punish people who rape anyone, and those who have sex with minors - by prison.
Hello, I just wanted to add my 2 cents to the debate. I like to think that it is not Islam itself that is to be blamed. Also, in the West, there is an idea of Islam as one single entity, but this is not the case. Just like in any other religion, a few people in troubled, underdeveloped areas use it as a tool for exploitation. The fact that Islam is getting so much bad press is just a result of its geopolitics. I come from India, and my Muslim friends here have nothing in common with Saudi Wahhabism, which is the most extreme form of Islam!
ReplyDeleteHoly Roller, thanks for contributing.
ReplyDeleteOf course - it is obvious - that not all muslims are alike, in their interpretation of the Qu'ran and the Hadith, as well as in their culture, which naturally affects their way of living also.
However, while your Muslim friends are perhaps very different from Saudis, they do have one notable thing in common, namely a belief in the tenets of Islam. Thankfully, that does not always include a desire to uphold Sharia law.
ReplyDeletenot only sharia law involves harsh punishments as stoning those who commit adultery,this punishment exist in Torah of the Jews and the Bible(the Old Testament).
I'll give u some cases for people who must get stoned:
*For a woman who is not a virgin on her wedding night:Deuteronomy 22:13-21
*For adultery (including urban rape victims who fail to scream loud enough):Deuteronomy 22:23-24
check these verses and u will see that stoning to death for married people who commit adultery is a punishment exist in the Judaism and Christianity.
not only sharia law involves harsh punishments as stoning those who commit adultery,this punishment exist in Torah of the Jews and the Bible(the Old Testament).
ReplyDeleteOh, but I am very well aware that there are such ridiculous ideas in the Bible and Torah as well (that is of course precisely where Muhammad got the idea from). However, while there are Christians who claim to read the Bible literally, no one in this world stones anyone but Muslims.
"Oh, but I am very well aware that there are such ridiculous ideas in the Bible and Torah as well"
ReplyDeleteKindly correct me if I am wrong...
You want to say that there are "ridiculous ideas" in Bible and Torah.
I think you people are going far away from the topic of cruelty just for blaming each others religions.
Yes, there are ridiculous ideas in all three scriptures about how to treat other human beings (and animals, for that matter) cruelly. The point was to say that I am well aware that this is not unique to Islam.
ReplyDeleteBut by all means, let's stay on the topic of cruelty: What do you think about a law that calls for stoning for adultery?
when a woman commits adultry there is a punishment she has to suffer unless she repents. If she swears by God she has not commited adultry, then the if she had lied by the name of God her punishment would be on the Day of Judgement.
ReplyDeletePlus there has to be witnesses for any of this (i.e the accusing) to take place. Please do not do like the ignorants and assume the religion of Islam is one of injustice and indignity. And may God save us all from the dangers of ignorance. Peace be upon you.
Hi Sarah.
ReplyDeleteI've heard this line or argument so many times. So okay, then what is it? What is it that makes stoning, whipping, throwing acid in women's faces, and marriage to nine-year olds happen only in Muslim countries, if it has nothing to do with religion?
Can I really be so wrong to think that women are considered second grade under Islam, and that in reality Islam says men and women are equals? I do admit I have not read the Qu'ran in Arabic, so please tell me how it really is.
I think you're right mostly. Many of the Muslim comments here didn't actually renounce the death penalty for adultery. But it is ridiculous to kill someone for adultery. Trying to excuse the death penalty for adultery, because four witnesses is requires is just starting from the wrong premise.
ReplyDeleteI hope Muslims will soon realize that the Koran should not be interpreted literally, and the Sharia is inherently conservative. It is a obstacle to progress. Sharia should be abandoned in favor of secular, modern legal systems.
The girl should not have been hanging around men folk in the first place. They need to do the same thing in the USA. Stop making excuses for whorish women.
ReplyDeleteGregory, what a vile outlook you have. I do wonder why you think so badly of women, but I got a clue looking at your profile.
ReplyDeleteI have blocked you from following my blog, and should you ever comment here again, I will delete your comments, so don't bother trying.
Bjorn, you've made several good points, but I still can't agree with the conclusion that you've come to. I don't believe it's Islam that's motivating these people to do such terrible things, but rather the violence that has been deeply rooted in their culture even before Muhamad's time. And since the Islamic Empire was so badly weakened after the Crusades, there has been so much political instability that enables fanatical and militant groups to gain power through force and fear-mongering. And you say that Muslims are the only ones that stone and whip in the name of religion? But when taking a broad view on things, the Inquisition and witch trials aren't that distant in the past...
ReplyDeleteI would also like to mention, that not all of Sharia law is necessarily 'God's Law,' but rather man's laws based on the interpretation of God's word. Many Muslims choose to use the Qu'ran as a direct source for guidance, rather relying on the interpretations of a bunch of men. Also, (and apologizing for my long-windedness), you said that you have a hard time believing that women are meant to be equal with men in Islam? I believe they are, but unfortunately the Muslim world is strongly patriarchal, and those in power often manipulate peoples beliefs to suit their own purposes. There are many sources that will show that the Sharia and many other fundamental traditions in Islam have been put into place by the patriarchs in power, through a manipulated interpretation of the Qu'ran and the Hadith, to suit their own purposes, and keep women oppressed.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe it's Islam that's motivating these people to do such terrible things, but rather the violence that has been deeply rooted in their culture even before Muhamad's time.
ReplyDeleteWhen it's in scripture and interpreted as part of God's word, then you can say they shouldn't be - I'm just saying they are.
But when taking a broad view on things, the Inquisition and witch trials aren't that distant in the past...
But they are in the past. Horrible as those times were, they are over.
you said that you have a hard time believing that women are meant to be equal with men in Islam.
One example is the differential treatment of women in paradise.
I think many of you have gotten the idea of the peaceful religion of Islam all wrong. Islam itself means peace. The shari'ah laws that Muslims follow is very precise as Allah created humankind to follow it. Women are not degraded in anyway in Islam. They are put on high pedestals, and men and women are given the same rights whether it's marital status or education. However, when it comes to a political point of view, Muslims are patriarchal and usually men govern the country. This is an order we must command. However, when it comes to this issue, I see that you are somewhat twisting the story up. If a girl was involved in commiting adultery, then it is her fault. However, if she is raped, we never EVER choose to stone the girl because then it's not her fault. If there are witnesses who testified against her, then maybe she would be considered as committing fornification, however, I believe that this girl was not stoned if she was not raped. Our religion does not work like that. So stop degrading it and making it seem like a vicious religion, because it's nothing but. Allah knows best.
ReplyDeleteAnon, enlighten me. Does the Qu'ran say that men and women are treated equally in paradise? Does Sharia treat men and women equally before the law?
ReplyDeleteAnd how about the new case of a 42 year old mother of two who is about to be stoned?
Ashtiani, 42, will be buried up to her chest, according to an Amnesty International report citing the Iranian penal code. The stones that will be hurled at her will be large enough to cause pain but not so large as to kill her immediately.
@ Author of post: I think you are wasting time trying to reply to each commenter here. There is very little you can say to someone who says he places women on a "very high pedestal" as long as they follow male-imposed ideas of duty and modesty, but the minute they deviate from these very high standards they become worthy of murder and rape. Do you frankly want to have a conversation with someone who sees no moral difference between rape and adultery?
ReplyDeleteAlso, these ideas of viewing women only as noble victims (and hence needing protection and locking up)or as evil usurpers of male power (hence deserving derision/stoning/rape) is not endemic to the Islamic world. It is a symptom of relatively rural, tribalistic societies where ideas like female emancipation have not yet permeated. I remember the controversy that arose in my state in India when women were finally able to inherit ancestral property like their male siblings. This shook up the traditional system of passing on wealth like nothing else. The good thing was that we do not have a medieval holy book that allows us to oppose this new development based on outdated logic. And so we moved on.
I honestly believe that it is as simple as that. Nothing more and nothing less.
If you'd know more about sharia law then you should be aware that this story displays grave violations against it rather than pinpointing its 'cruelty'. What sharia law actually states is that FOUR TRUSTWORTHY WITNESSES must be able to testify that sexual intercourse has occurred between an unmarried couple, following which BOTH persons involved are to receive the punishment. It is true that sharia law does involve harsh punishments,
ReplyDeleteWait a minute... what kind of sick fuck hears a story about a 13-year-old girl being buried up to her neck and brutally stoned to death and says, "Oh they did it all wrong... there are supposed to be four witnesses, and it's only for voluntary adultery, and they are supposed to do the same thing to the man too!"
Okay. You are a fucking sadistic shit and the world would be a better place if you were locked up forever. I won't go so far as to say the world would be better if you were dead, though, because I'm not a sadistic shit.
The rest of the comments seem to be along these lines. "Oh, if she was really raped, she shouldn't have been stoned. That's not how our religion of peace does it! Our religion of peace only brutally murders people who have extramarital sexual intercourse on purpose!"
Hint to Islamic apologists: If you want your feeble excuses to resonate with anyone who isn't a worthless barbaric misogynistic waste of flesh, start by saying the following -- "Wow, that is the most fucked up sick shit I have ever heard of. I am ashamed anyone would ever do that to anyone in the name of my religion, no matter what the crime. There is no justification for such treatment, and never could be." Start there, and then maybe we'll give half a listen to your pathetic little "religion of peace" protestations. Until then, sit the fuck down and accept that your religion -- like virtually all religions -- does nothing but perpetuate antiquated barbarism and perverted ideas of morality.
I won't go so far as to say the world would be better if you were dead, though, because I'm not a sadistic shit.
ReplyDeleteJames, I am a sadistic shit, so I'll say it - the world would be better off without them. And if they took the evangelicals with them, I wouldn't mind at all. In fact, I'd rather insist upon it.
Well, you people have pointed out that Islam is the only religion that still stones people to death, or hang them etc...
ReplyDeleteThe thing is, Islam is the youngest religion. Look at judaism under Roman Empire, christianism in the middle ages, or protestant's puritanism not so long ago. You'll find out we've been burning alive a non negligible amount of people, for fallacious reasons. My point is that all religions have to go through a phase of extremism. It's year 1431 for Islam. It corresponds exactly to what catholics have been doing at the same time. And it only took a century for protestants to have cruel ideas of punishments.
Religions are like persons, they need to grow up. Not any of them is better than another, and they all have their dark ages. Don't blame the religion, blame fanatism.
Sorciere, I have two responses to you. One facetious, and one serious:
ReplyDelete1) You're right, Islam is young. A mere 14-something hundred years. Waaay too young for people to start treating each other with respect and tolerance. Simply not enough time to stop being fanatic. So, let's just stop complaining about it, and let the fanatics kill the innocent in the name of religion.
2) Young religion, you say. How about Scientology (53 years)? Mormonism (180 years)? Sikhism (500 years)? Given those, your reason for excusing barbarism seems to vanish.
this world is full of shiit.
ReplyDeletetheres Taliban stoning ppl under the name of god.
theres US army blowing the shiit out of Iraq and sent them back to stone age under the name of democracy.
i say both are pretty bad ass.
one is painfully death and one is mass killing. BAMFs!