Thank you for signing our Darwin Day Petition. Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in obtaining a presidential proclamation this year, but we plan to keep growing our movement in hopes of a proclamation next year.It really ought to be up there on Obama's list of priorities along with health care, the economy, and ending American hegemony (and maybe it is, but this one is just a much tougher nut to crack). Maybe next year...
Darwin Day is administered by the American Humanist Association (AHA). The mission of the AHA is to be a clear, democratic voice for Humanism in the United States; to increase public awareness and acceptance of humanism; to establish, protect and promote the position of humanists in our society; and to develop and advance humanist thought and action. In short, we strive to bring about a progressive society where being "good without God" is an accepted way to live life. Become a member!
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3 weeks ago in Genomics, Medicine, and Pseudoscience
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