Field of Science

Laws proposed against beautification

This is a fantastic idea! Photoshopping pictures of models is apparently more common than I thought, and now a British politician is suggesting to prohibit the practice in advertisement targeting those under 16, and to require warning labels on all others (which could be just a credit stating who did the airbrushing).
Liberal Democrat MP Jo Swinson said the practice of altering pictures can harm young people's health and self-esteem and that “women are pressurised to conform to a narrow image of beauty".
Here is an in favor but sorely pessimistic view, saying that such a law will never pass. Nonsense, says I. If warning labels on cigarettes can be done, then why not this? It's not like it's going to hurt any political candidates financially. Or ideologically.

Just take a look at Kim Kardashian before and after airbrushing:

If children grow up thinking they have to look like Kim on the right when she herself looks like the one on the left, then I do think we owe it to them to tell them the truth.

There's also the problem of the moving pictures (films, premieres, award-shows) where the stars improve their looks with titty-tape and other tricks to look hot in the haute. How about public or private demonstrations of how this is done? Children/adolescents ought to know about this phenomenon just the same, so they don't get the false impression that this is how people really look, every day.

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