But then there are papers like this one, which I will get around to read: Environmental change exposes beneficial epistatic interactions in a catalytic RNA. That should be a good read about the impact of dynamic fitness landscapes (when fitness is not a static function of genotype or phenotype, but changes as the environment changes.
- Genomic consequences of multiple speciation processes in a stick insect
- The Nearly Neutral and Selection Theories of Molecular Evolution Under the Fisher Geometrical Framework: Substitution Rate, Population Size, and Complexity
- Estimating the Strength of Selective Sweeps from Deep Population Diversity Data Biology of the sauropod dinosaurs: the evolution of gigantism
- The role of gene flow asymmetry along an environmental gradient in constraining local adaptation and range expansion
- Inhibition of SRGAP2 Function by Its Human-Specific Paralogs Induces Neoteny during Spine Maturation
- Specific inactivation of two immunomodulatory SIGLEC genes during human evolution
- Cast adrift on an island: introduced populations experience an altered balance between selection and drift
- Environmental change exposes beneficial epistatic interactions in a catalytic RNA
- Trophic specialization influences the rate of environmental niche evolution in damselfishes (Pomacentridae)
Oh, and no new creationist science paper published since last week.

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