Field of Science

Denyse O'Leary on dating Neanderthals

The big paper with Svante Pääbo's team on the Neanderthal genome and Neanderthal and human having sex has been blogged to smithereens in the last week. Deservedly. For a few pointers you may start with my own post.

Today one of my favorite bloggers weighed in:
Every father on this list wants his daughter to date and later marry a Neanderthal, right?

Oh, wait, This just in: Most fathers don't even want their daughters to date, let alone marry, a guy who plays the guitar in the subway for a living, let alone, there was a time when one of a father’s jobs was to check out suitors for his daughters’ hands.

Girls can be unduly influenced by romantic issues, but good fathers tend to ask boring stuff like “What is your annual income?”

Put more simply: If ten years later the girl comes trudging back to her parents’ house with three kids in tow and that guy is playing folk music somewhere far away, with his hat on the pavement, well ...

But even worse. According to New Scientist, that guy’s daughter could be dating something now housed in a zoo? And Dad doesn’t care? And she shouldn’t be in therapy?

I used to wonder if the world had gone mad. Now I accept the fact and do not care.
This is so precious! Denyse O'Leary manages to turn a great scientific study into some thoughts about fathers worrying or not about who their daughters date. The shallowness is deep, so to speak, and is the staple of Post-Darwinist. I love it!


  1. Denyse O'Leary pulls off quite a feat. She lacks either the capacity or desire to understand scientific findings, yet is compelled to make what (I am led to believe) she feels are sincere and thoughfelt commentaries on such findings, and doesn't realize how much she sounds like an ignoramous when she does. If Poe's Law were to be personified, whe would be a top candidate.

    Her arguments come down to a few basic tennets. Evolution is too hard to understand; science makes us all godless heathens; thinking that we decended from some animal ancestor makes me feel all icky.

    Or something like that.

  2. sincere and thoughfelt commentaries on such findings

    I'm unsure what she really feels here. Does she truly think that what she is saying is relevant/insightful/witty/perceptive? If she does, that would make her incredibly delusional.


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