Shit! I love Tim Minchin with all his funny lyrics and atheism, but I've just seen that he is almost even greater when he's totally serious:
(Yes, I am aware it's a cover.)
A: "5."
Q: "What is the number of lines without the word "fuck" (or derivatives) in Tim Minchin's Pope Song?"
P.S. I don't mean to imply that Tim is not serious when he's funny. On the contrary.
P.P.S. If you haven't, listen to White Wine In The Sun - one of my favorites.
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4 weeks ago in Genomics, Medicine, and Pseudoscience
White Wine in the Sun is my favorite, too! Can't listen to it without needing a tissue, though. It always makes me blub... "If I didn't Have You" is my other favorite--that one just sends me straight over the cliff. Can hardly breathe for laughing... Tim Minchin is just simply *brilliant*!