Field of Science

My arguments are flawed and untruthful?

Here's a comment I just got today to a post about a proof of creationism that just boggles my mind:
Here is my observation of both sides without picking a side:
-Both sides are flawed in their arguments.
-Both sides beg the question quite frequently.
-Both sides will try anything to "convince."

I personally believe in the God of Christianity to be the one and only God. I believe this because I see his creation daily and it is self-evident. Whether or not some form of evolution even exists doesn't matter. It will never, in the end, prove that God does not exist or that the Bible is a lie. I think that science will only get closer to proving God in the end. I feel that everyone has the opportunity to see God through his work in their life and for many reasons people will look for ways around it to benefit their own worldly desires. When you're alone, and you talk to yourself and cry out in fear because you doubt...stop and listen. God WILL speak to your soul and guide you. Remember that He is beyond our understanding, that is why people doubt. Step outside of what you know and try to imagine if you were powerful enough to create all of this and then logically and philosophically work through it all. If you do it without leaning to one side you may find that things look differently.
Tell me how I am flawed in my arguments, please.

Where do I do beg the question?

I will only speak the truth as far as I know it. Integrity is a lot more important than convincing anyone. Where do I do something else to convince anyone, please?

If this guy can say "I believe this because I see his creation daily and it is self-evident", then I would say he's already picked a side, quite contrary to what he claims.

Also, he doesn't seem to know a lot about either the Bible or science: "I think that science will only get closer to proving God in the end." Check out Jerry Coyne's post about whether Adam and Eve were real.

And, he has a foregone conclusion: "It will never, in the end, prove that God does not exist or that the Bible is a lie." If you are settled that that is the case, then how can evidence mean anything to you?


  1. You are all wrong infidels!

    I believe in Adamism, and that the universe was just expelled in a big sneeze of something called Arkelanfall, and I am affraid of the big hankerchief!

    But on point:
    If I "step out" and start "imagening" (that is what the person suggested) strange things can happen (see above), and that is called an illusion, or halucination.

    Science does not try to convince, it just improved the chances of predicting right for those appying the scientific methods.
    For all those ignoring it, only the idea about the afterlife becomes more happy, and more worse...
    Cheers Arend

  2. "They shall know you are Christians by your love."

    That was St. Paul, wasn't it?

    Well, he could've been mistaken. Perhaps we shall know you are Christians by your hate.

  3. Sorry, Fiat Lex, I remove all of Dave Mabus' comments.

  4. I'm SO sorry. I just looked the previous quote up, and it wasn't Paul, it was Christ. Chances of him being mistaken are much lower then, right?

    Just to be clear, I'm pretty sure he also said, "whoever is not against us is for us." Atheists like Pleiotropy here may be unwilling to believe themselves--but I don't see our host going around telling you you'll be destroyed for refusing to believe (or disbelieve) as he does.

    Score another for the atheists following Christ's commandments better than those who take on the name of the lord.

    Trolls make me so mad. You, DM, are behaving as a troll. Kindly desist.

  5. XD Thanks, friend. Wow, he really got me going there. Almost hope he visits my blog so I can has fighting time!

  6. Atheists like Pleiotropy here may be unwilling to believe themselves-

    It's more like I am unable than unwilling, though. I don't wish for a heaven or hell, but I would like to see some justice. Accepting that bad people will get away with being bad is the worst part of being atheist, for me. The only bad thing, actually.

    -but I don't see our host going around telling you you'll be destroyed for refusing to believe (or disbelieve) as he does.

    Well, that's because we don't believe in the mechanism of destruction... If I believed in a just god, I think he would be out to punish Mabus.


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