Field of Science

Do you believe in science?

A poll commissioned by Daily Kos asked 1200 people...

QUESTION: Most astronomers believe the universe formed about 13.7 billion years ago in a massive event called the Big Bang. Do you think that's about right or do think the universe was created much more recently?
All 62 25 13
Men 60 28 12
Women 64 22 14
Dem 71 17 12
Rep 44 38 18
Ind 66 23 11
White 58 27 15
Black 75 18 7
Latino 73 21 6
Oth/Ref 78 15 7
18-29 69 18 13
30-44 66 22 12
45-59 59 28 13
60+ 56 31 13
NE 72 17 11
South 48 34 18
MW 64 24 12
West 69 21 10

It's no surprise that the more to the right people are politically, the less scientifically literate they are. It's well known. But there is good news in here (it's not really news, since it confirms previous polls like this): The fact that the younger people are the more likely they are to believe what scientists say (as opposed to what their religion says on the matter) is great news. It suggest things are going to go in the right direction.

And those previous polls that show the same trend:

statement % agree among young Americans % agree among all Americans
Same sex marriage should be legal. 56% 37%
Environmental protection is as important as job creation. 68% 49%
Immigrants strengthen the country with their hard work and talents. 52% 38%
America needs tax financed, government-administrated universal health care. 62% 47%
The people's will should have more influence on US laws than the Bible. 74% 58%

1 comment:

  1. Let us take this as an encouragement, ans let us try to get 100 as the first number!

    Cheers Arend


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