on Andrew's blog, 360 Degree Skeptic, and
on Andrew's blog, Southern Fried Science.
Like the brilliant PR stunt to change the rules of Scrabble, Grrlscientist has made a deft move to promote SPP: screw up who's hosting, with the result that two Andrews both host, and everyone laughing at the mistake. And Grrlscientist having the last laugh. Brilliant!
Scrabble gurus are divided over a decision by Mattel to revamp the rule book and allow proper nouns to be used in the game.GAL!*
A new version of the game, called Scrabble Trickster and due to be released in the UK, will see rule changes to allow names - words with once-forbidden capital letters - to invade the board.
Some Scrabble enthusiasts say the move will be detrimental to young players, while others are not fussed, saying it is just a marketing ploy.
Read Grrlscientist's great write-up here.
* Get a life.
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