The Ivory Power Manifesto
The Ivory Tower is not my friend. We will not sit idle and look down at the masses while society goes to hell. Science is to be shared, and that's why we do it.
There is no such thing as "their terms". We bring our terms to the table always, and this is how we move forward.
When someone attacks, we defend ourselves. We won't just let them walk into our living room and destroy everything.
Religion leads to creationism. Nothing else does. Creationism thus implies religion. If you're still in doubt what the real problem here is, then you're part of the problem.
This is a war that will take a long time, but we know who will win it. We will not stand idle by and be on the wrong side of history.
We will use any and every opportunity to share science with the public.
The evidence can take us where it wants. We shall have no baggage that will make us resist it.
On some topics there is no legitimate scientific debate, but we will not be afraid of debating science-deniers on these topics, even though the public may perceive that as an acknowledgement that a legitimate debate exists.
Stating that there is no debate is a case of Expert Blindness. Just because you have resolved the issue doesn't mean everyone else has. We will share our expert knowledge with everyone.
I've moved to Substack. Come join me there.
4 weeks ago in Genomics, Medicine, and Pseudoscience
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