Field of Science

Title in evolution quiz

For those unawares (prolly all), I post these titles in evolution i) as a reminder to myself when I skim the numerous eTOCs that I get in my inbox every week, ii) to point out that evolutionary biology is a very active area of research (while creationism is not), and iii) to share the awesomeness of evolution.

Today it also comes with a quiz.

  • Wormholes record species history in space and time
  • Quasispecies Dynamics of RNA Viruses
  • Genetic background affects epistatic interactions between two beneficial mutations
  • Epistasis between mutations is host-dependent for an RNA virus
  • Evolution of clonal populations approaching a fitness peak
  • Competition and the origins of novelty: experimental evolution of niche-width expansion in a virus
  • Stochastic effects are important in intrahost HIV evolution even when viral loads are high
  • Variable evolutionary routes to host establishment across repeated rabies virus host shifts among bats
  • eplaying the Tape of Life: Quantification of the Predictability of Evolution
  • Phenotypic landscapes: phenological patterns in wild and cultivated barley
  • Are elder siblings helpers or competitors? Antagonistic fitness effects of sibling interactions in humans
  • Ecological selection as the cause and sexual differentiation as the consequence of species divergence?
  • Adaptation to a new environment allows cooperators to purge cheaters stochastically
  • Fixation of mutators in asexual populations: the role of genetic drift and epistasis Public good dynamics drive evolution of iron acquisition strategies in natural bacterioplankton populations

Guess which of the papers above this figure is from:


  1. My guess. Evolution of clonal populations approaching a fitness peak

  2. Competition and the origins of novelty: experimental evolution of niche-width expansion in a virus.

    1. Yes, from Christina Burch's lab. Here's the link. It's a definite read.


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