Elton John: Jesus super-intelligent homosexual

Here's are the words in the interview that are making headlines today:
His take on Christianity.
"I think Jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems. On the cross, he forgave the people who crucified him. Jesus wanted us to be loving and forgiving. I don't know what makes people so cruel. Try being a gay woman in the Middle East -- you're as good as dead."
Come one, he had twelve guys in dresses following him around 24/7. Totally.

Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League (job description: take yourself very, very seriously) takes offense to calling Jesus super-intelligent! For real.
Jesus was certainly compassionate, but to say He was “super-intelligent” is to compare the Son of God to a successful game-show contestant. More seriously, to call Jesus a homosexual is to label Him a sexual deviant. But what else would we expect from a man who previously said, “From my point of view, I would ban religion completely.”
Okay, so the gay comment is worse, but that was of course expected. As for Jesus being a sexual deviant, I wonder what Donohue thinks normative sexual behavior is. Celibacy?
We’re not sure what’s worse—John’s ignorance or intolerance. In any event, if we thought we could persuade him to issue an apology, we would try. But given his recidivism, we won’t even bother to ask. One thing is clear: someone needs to straighten John out.
Translation: "Ignoring our own intolerance of sexual diversity, we'd really like to get more attention (please?), for example by calling for an apology (God needs our help) from the most brazenly gay man in the world, who by the way ought to join one of those groups who heal homosexuals though prayer."


  1. Why is Elton's non-sensical comment, being given so much of hype. Whats his credentials, aprt from being a singer. Wonder whats the criteria for Britain to give SIR to anybody. Is it how much the person, has maligned Christianity and other faiths.

  2. Why is Elton's non-sensical comment, being given so much of hype.

    Because he is famous, and because his comment speak directly to the Christian hallmark of homophobia.

    Whats his credentials, aprt from being a singer.

    Who needs credentials? Were you looking to make an argument from authority? (Hint: it's a fallacy.)

    Wonder whats the criteria for Britain to give SIR to anybody. Is it how much the person, has maligned Christianity and other faiths.

    Knighthoods are generally given for public service. I assume in Elton John's case it's for the music he's written and produced. But perhaps one day they'll give one to the likes of Hitchens or Pat Condell. That would be amusing.

  3. Elton John needs the love of Jesus. If he knew Jesus' love he would know that he doesn't need to be gay.

    I wonder if he had said the same thing about the Prophet Mohammed what the impact would be. I don't think Elton John has the guts to say that about Mohammed. Christians will mainly say - "Father forgive him for he knows not what he is is doing" Muslims wont say that.

  4. Elton John needs the love of Jesus. If he knew Jesus' love he would know that he doesn't need to be gay.

    I am quite sure Elton John would adore the love of Jesus. All of it. But then I don't think that would convince him that homosexuality was bad - on the contrary.

    But seriously, you can stuff your Jesus-hates-guys attitude up where it belongs. Elton John doesn't need to be gay. He is gay. And, like most other gays who aren't emotionally persecuted by Bible-belt sentiments, he is quite fine being gay.

    I wonder if he had said the same thing about the Prophet Mohammed what the impact would be. I don't think Elton John has the guts to say that about Mohammed. Christians will mainly say - "Father forgive him for he knows not what he is is doing" Muslims wont say that.

    This is a historic moment on my blog. Fatwa-envy has finally arrived to this outskirt of the blogosphere! I think it's one of the milestones that every (atheist) blog must attain on the path to maturity.

    First off, Jesus is revered by Muslims, too. Did you even know that? Second, from what we have seen lately, Muslims can lash out in ways that Christians can only dream about. If only it wasn't for that damned New Testament...

    Either way, so what if there is a difference between Christians and Muslims? You have the same stupid attitude (at least some Christians do) toward homosexuality that (many) Muslims do. That's the bottom line here.

    But if you really want to talk about Muslims, go here.


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