Bad, bad Tripp

From the cover of People magazine:
Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter talks about her life with baby Tripp. "If girls realized the consequences of sex, nobody would be having sex," says Bristol. "Trust me. Nobody"
Wow! I hope Tripp never finds a copy of that magazine when she gets older. What a bummer. That really sounds like an awful experience you're having with your baby, Bristol. I know babies are a lot of work, but surely your smiling face holding that baby is not a complete mock-up, or? Having babies, even at your very, very young age, must have at least some of the blessings that I myself have felt, even though I had children at a wee bit older age than you did.

However, I think that I will not trust you anyway, Bristol. Lust is a very strong force, and despite your insight into motherhood, I feel fairly certain that early motherhood horror stories are not enough to keep folks your age from giving in to their desires. Rather, complete sex education is required so that unwanted pregnancies can be avoided, and free access to condoms. Preferably those with strawberry taste.


  1. If girls were 100% certain that sex would make them pregnant every time, then they might be disuaded. As it is, they can tell themselves that "it won't happen to me", or that "it won't happen if you jump up and down 10 times afterwards". Or whatever the current crop of old wives tales says.

    (A funny true story: when I was at college, a male friend of mine, a biology major, was awakened in the dead of the night by his university-issued roommate, who asked him, "Is it true that a girl can get pregnant her first time?". My friend told him, "Of course she can", and went back to sleep.

    He never saw the roommate again. A few days later, his stuff disappeared from their room.)

    Since biology is strong, education about sensible and reliable means of birth control is the only answer. Anyone who thinks otherwise is fooling themselves.

  2. Oh, yes. And Bristol Palin is totally over-hyped. A manufactured quasi-celebrity. Complete waste of ink/bandwidth/air-time.


  3. I shall refrain from blogging any further about Bristol Palin, then.

  4. Nonono; blog what you like. Please, don't censor on my account; I'm the guest in your space.

    (But she's still over-hyped.)

  5. I'll blog about what I like, but I shall refrain from mentioning Bristol again, because I don't want to.

  6. Well. All right, then. As long as that's sorted out.


  7. Late to the party, so cicely probably won't see this, if so - funny story :)

    Bjorn (hoping you see this) - when my first wave of kids rushed headlong through their teens I used to buy condoms and leave them in a bowl in the kitchen. Get an assortment of colours (in packaging at least) and break them all into singles. Make a sort of condom salad and try to keep the bowl topped up ;)

    Expect their friends will grab some too and count this as an added bonus.

    Both my (step)daughters made it through to adulthood without any STDs or pregnancies and with healthy well adjusted attitudes to sex. Not bad for nieces of a Cardinal. The one that spent most of her time with her (then) religious father had a few problems with guys, but came good in her mid-20s.

    The daughter that I was unable to raise through a combination of legal discrimination and maternal vindictiveness unfortunately did end up having to seek an abortion.

    All my kids turned out OK, but that is more a credit to them than their combination of parents (blended families can get very convoluted).

  8. PeterM, no worries. I read all the comments.

    Great idea about the condom-salad. However, I foresee parents of my kids' friends complaining about their kids coming home with condoms. You never experienced this? (I guess this also depends on where you live. In the US midwest I imagine it would be noticed.)

    Oh, and I only have boys. Do you think that makes a difference for any of this?


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